Monday, December 30, 2024

Happy Accident

On Saturday, September 21, 2024, I officiated Stephanie and Chris’ wedding ceremony at the Renaissance Dallas at Plano Legacy West Hotel in Plano, Texas. Here are the remarks I shared with them and their guests:

Stephanie describes the genesis of this relationship as a happy accident: “I was looking for a date for a formal and as a modern young person I turned to Tinder. His picture came up and I swiped right on him and he sent me a message. Who knew it would be the best thing to ever happen to me? Something told me he was different than all the other people I had talked to and dated. He seemed to be quite clever and a good person.”

The attraction was mutual. As Chris says, “We initially met online, and quickly decided after communicating for a short time to go on a date. Our first date was when we really got to know each other… We… had a long and wonderful first date, near where we are getting married.”

The special feeling of that first date was mutual. As Stephanie says, “We went out on our first date and I had felt like I knew him for months when we had only been talking/FaceTiming for less than 2 weeks. When we met in person, I felt something I had never felt before. I felt a genuine connection and shortly after that date I asked him to my formal and we started dating.”

What is the secret of this relationship? Once you get to know Stephanie and Chris, it’s almost self-evident. They have each experienced hardships in life, hardships that have severely tested them. Despite these hardships they have persevered and even flourished. And their relationship has been a rock that has helped them persevere. They have mutually understood and supported each other through it all. 

This is why Chris says, “My love for Steph had only grown the longer we spent together.”  This is why Stephanie says, “I cannot wait to see what the future brings.”

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