Yesterday, Saturday 3/29, I co-officiated Marisol and Jonathan's wedding in
Lo que me gusta de Marisol y Jonathan es que son personas
profundas e inteligentes que viven a través de ciertas sencillas pero
profundas ideas pero tanto como individuos
y como pareja .
Ellos saben que en este mundo material en el que vivimos,
las cosas son importantes, pero las experiencias importan mucho más. Por
lo tanto hay que saborearlas.
Ellos entienden que las identidades religiosas y culturales
son importantes, pero el enfoque de la religión ha de dirigirse en ser una
buena persona. Por lo tanto , debemos canalizar nuestros sentimientos
religiosos en hacer del
mundo un lugar major.
Se dan cuenta de que lo que los mexicanos nos han enseñado a
los estadounidenses, que las buenas relaciones como la buena comida son mejores picante que
insípida. Por lo tanto, ellos no temen por las diferencias. Ellos las
aprovechan para mejorar su amor.
Así que ahí los tienen, saborear sus experiencias, hace del mundo un lugar mejor
y logra que no le temamos a un poco de picante en la vida. No es una mala
receta para una vida feliz juntos.
What I like about Marisol and Jonathan is that they are deep and smart people who live by a few simple yet profound ideas as individuals and as a couple.
They know that in this very material world we live in, things do matter, but experiences matter much more. Therefore we must savor them.
They understand that religious and cultural identities matter, but religion's focus must be on being a good person. Therefore, we must channel our religious feelings into making the world a better place.
They realize that what you Mexicans have taught us Americans, that good relationships like good food are better spicy rather than bland. Therefore, they don't shy away from their differences. They harness them to enhance their love.
So there you have it, savor your experiences, make the world a better place and add don't be afraid of some spice. Not a bad recipe for a happy life together.
What I like about Marisol and Jonathan is that they are deep and smart people who live by a few simple yet profound ideas as individuals and as a couple.
They know that in this very material world we live in, things do matter, but experiences matter much more. Therefore we must savor them.
They understand that religious and cultural identities matter, but religion's focus must be on being a good person. Therefore, we must channel our religious feelings into making the world a better place.
They realize that what you Mexicans have taught us Americans, that good relationships like good food are better spicy rather than bland. Therefore, they don't shy away from their differences. They harness them to enhance their love.
So there you have it, savor your experiences, make the world a better place and add don't be afraid of some spice. Not a bad recipe for a happy life together.
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